Much Ado About Keto?

It’s 2020 and if you are interested in all topics health and fitness, by now you must have heard about the latest trend in diet conversations across the globe: The Ketogenic diet.

Apart from all the buzz around it coming from influencers and celebrities, many different health platforms have also put it center stage. Numerous articles and news pieces have been dedicated to what it is and how it works, but I could bet the most convincing argument probably came from that one friend who, having shed some undesirable extra weight where other diets had failed, now can’t stop talking about the Keto wonders. 

The Importance of Biochemical Individuality

Before we get into Keto-specifics, it's important for us to first discuss the importance of biochemical individuality. At the Clean Living Company, we do not endorse any single diet for the masses. Everyone is chemically and biologically unique, and not one single diet exists to accommodate everyone. At the end of the day, real results come with real lifestyle changes

We have all grown up hearing about different fad diets that promised us the easy path to losing weight and getting healthier. But when filtered down into something comprehensible, the basic principle stands: Eat healthy. A concept that has changed so much in the last 30 years, it is only matched by the amount of names it carries: Atkins, detox, intermittent fasting, grapefruit diet, juice cleansing, gluten free, liquid diet…and the most persistent one of late, the Keto diet.

But why is this one different? And how can you ensure you're staying healthy when altering your diet?

Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet

In case you missed the articles on Keto (as other more ‘viral’ news has dominated the headlines in 2020) and you don’t have any friendly keto specialists to count on, here is what you need to know about it. The ketogenic diet (Keto) is a very low-carb, high-fat diet that shares many similarities with the Atkins and other low-carb diets. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat – which if you are trying to lose weight might feel a bit counter intuitive.

The explanation lies in that the reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis, which is more efficient at burning fat for energy. The massive reduction in blood sugar has several health benefits for different medical conditions such as heart disease, cancer and even acne; apart from neurologic issues such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and brain injuries. It has been suggested that people who need to study for exams should try Keto as it improves brain function. 

As for weight loss, one study found that people on a ketogenic diet lost 2.2 to 3 times more weight than those on a calorie-restricted low-fat diet. The difference boils down to what kinds of food you can consume and what you should avoid.

Foods to Eat 

  • Meat
  • Fatty fish
  • Eggs
  • Butter and cream
  • Unprocessed cheese
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Healthy oils
  • Avocados
  • Low-carb veggies (green veggies, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc.) 
  • Condiments (salt, pepper, spices, etc.)

Foods to Avoid

  • Sugary drinks and foods (soda, fruit juice, ice cream) 
  • Grains or starches (rice, pasta, cereal, etc.) 
  • Fruits
  • Beans or legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.)
  • Root vegetables and tuber (potatoes, carrots, parsnips, etc.) 
  • Low-fat or diet products 
  • Condiments or sauces that contain sugar
  • Unhealthy fats 
  • Alcohol
  • Highly processed sugar-free diet foods.

Making the Transition to Keto


Our team has been closely watching the development of the ketogenic diet in the public conversation and following scientific studies that shed a light on its benefits and challenges.

Like any lifestyle change, there is an adaptation period which we call the keto flu’ – a set of symptoms that occur as your body switches its energy source. These might include fatigue, headaches and nausea. Our goal is to help you get you where you need to go by making the adaptation process smoother. 

The best way to ensure you're providing your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy during the transition is to add a serving of bone broth to your daily routine.

Organic Bone Broth is the most simple, and absolute best thing you can do for your health. Filled with the amino acids, nutrients and minerals, consuming the broth assures you're keeping your immune system and digestive system happy...not to mention it's the most natural source of collagen on the planet. 

Still not convinced? Here's what our Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach has to say about it.

While the Organic Bone Broth focuses on the gut and digestive health, our Keto Collagen Powder helps your body boost natural protein levels - in line with the guidelines of the keto diet and its recommendations.

Keto Collagen Powder is unlike any other collagen powder out there. It contains MCT Oil derived from coconuts which provide natural energy to the body and mind, and can also help aid in weight loss.

Learn more about what makes Keto Collagen Powder different in the video below. 

Keep in mind that you always need to respect the individual response and the specific needs one has when changing habits and trying something new. But it is safe to say the feedback and results have been overwhelmingly positive and the testimonials of those who have found success with the ketogenic diet it is loud and clear.

We will keep on listening, researching and developing products to support you in your dietary journey. Shop all Keto-friendly Clean Living Products today.

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